Setlist at The Library Oxford, MS on May 4, 2006

Set One
Launchpad 933
Silver Lining 746
Cheap Novelty Hats 491
Sons & Daughters 497
E-Pro 435
Set Two
Superstition 947
Denmark 1007
Ghetto Queen 181
The Elevator 806
Fiyo On The Bayou 327
Kneeknocker 933
Keepers 1104
The Library
Oxford, MS
May 4, 2006

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Setlist at The Library Oxford, MS on May 4, 2006

Set One
Launchpad 933
Silver Lining 746
Cheap Novelty Hats 491
Sons & Daughters 497
E-Pro 435
Set Two
Superstition 947
Denmark 1007
Ghetto Queen 181
The Elevator 806
Fiyo On The Bayou 327
Kneeknocker 933
Keepers 1104

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