Simian 272
Scrapple 260
Grayrigg 321
Hammerstrike (Kypski Remix) 298
Alkaline (Remix ft. Othello) 205
Monochrome 272
Marisol 314
72 Hrs Awake 286
Vancouver Island 245
Turquoise (Prussian Blue Remix by Skytree) 359
Cain & Abel 274
Oil on Glass/Feather on Wood


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Simian 272
Scrapple 260
Grayrigg 321
Hammerstrike (Kypski Remix) 298
Alkaline (Remix ft. Othello) 205
Monochrome 272
Marisol 314
72 Hrs Awake 286
Vancouver Island 245
Turquoise (Prussian Blue Remix by Skytree) 359
Cain & Abel 274


Matt C 11/19/2009 11:23:43 AM

"This album is kickin'! I feel like these guys got sidetracked a little bit with Hammerstrike, but since SummerDance II, my loyalty was renewed (Friday night was INSANE)! Oil on Glass/Feather on Wood lends further creedence to the fact that these guys are back on track! I can't wait for New Years Eve in Philly! "

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