Setlist at Calvin Theatre Northampton, MA on Feb 4, 2017
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Calvin Theatre Northampton, MA on Feb 4, 2017
Set One
Set Two
dank birdman — 8/29/2023 2:29:39 AM
"this show was great. my first moe. show for my now wife and they were on fire. so great to hear this again"
Seth Coleman — 2/9/2017 7:54:06 AM
"This is moe. doing what they do best...... and that is playing amazingly beautiful shows at every single show no Matter where they Fuck they play!! moe is one of the very few bands that plays a 6 song 1st set for 75mins and only stoping twice at end of a song and playing 3 Segues!! That's the shit I do like!!! "
Seth Coleman — 2/9/2017 7:47:39 AM
"Mcbain always has X-Eyed teases!! This show had some great Segues/Song Placement/awesomeness Jams!!!...... I love the new Tune Prestige WorldWide followed by 45mins of an amazing Four > Seat Of My Pants > Mcbain......... then 2nd set was full of Sick nasty The Pit Sandwich's w/ a monster Rec Chemistry in bottom half of the Sandwich and then a Large and in charge Bullet > Brent Black closer "
mikemindpilot — 2/7/2017 10:54:29 PM
"Dope show! Sounds fire! The mcbain is sweet with a crosseyed tease near the end! ????"