Setlist at Dunegrass Festival Empire, MI on Aug 1, 2008
Set One
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Setlist at Dunegrass Festival Empire, MI on Aug 1, 2008
Set One
dumb moe.ron — 3/4/2009 1:48:02 PM
"crazy nasty 35 min jam of NYC> bring you down>brentblack>Drums>bass jam>BrentBlack ....plenty of moe.justice for you!"
Brent Black — 9/2/2008 4:49:52 AM
"Been to numerous moe. shows, but this was by far my favorite of all time. Was right in front on Chuck's side all night and was blown away. Great Brent Black & Happy Hour Hero. Didn't dig Saturday's set as much, but this show made the entire weekend worth while. Dunegrass was an amazing little festival."
moed down — 8/15/2008 2:08:37 PM
"250 people tops at a Moe. show???? By far one of the best shows of any band out there. DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!"
moe.doc. — 8/8/2008 5:50:19 PM
"These 2 shows were great. First night was in the tent stage and the guys were on fire and really enjoying the smaller scene. Second night was on the main stage and was equally powerful as first. Meat blew my mind. Allie Kral played on conviction song. I only wish they could have had more time for 2 sets each night. Do not hesitate to DL."