Setlist at Palace Theatre Albany, NY on Dec 31, 2013
Set One
Set Two
Set Three
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Setlist at Palace Theatre Albany, NY on Dec 31, 2013
Set One
Set Two
Set Three
Show Notes
- Entire third set with Shaun Bazylewicz, Shannon Lynch and Terry Lynch
- Late In The Evening with Ben Schnier, Ayla Schnier, Marley Amico and Eddie Derhak
mlecuyer — 1/4/2014 8:17:19 AM
"Fantastic show, completely epic moe.! Four hours of pure energy, from acoustic to electric and then a great third set with the Conehead Buddha Horns. But before downloading you probably should wait for livedownloads to fix a problem with the files - the song Water is missing and instead there are two versions of Pink Floyd's Time. If you see them on the list with exactly the same length in time, you know that the problem still exists!"