
The Music Box

Hollywood, CA

Jan 28, 2011

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Randypua 1/30/2011 7:02:42 AM

"Very good show last night. I was impressed with the different set list and the love moe brought to the LA area. I'm pretty sure this was my first CA show and I really enjoyed the scene. Not sure what the capacity is for the venue, but we were about at it. Honestly, I was not expecting it to be that crowded (1500 - 2000?) and of course, always a treat to get a Moth. The wank opener was great. The lights went down and the band starting playing before the curtain went up slowly. Its the little things like that which infuse the crowd with energy. The > PC was a little eh eh, as if they didn't know what was happening, but the rest of the show was money. The Yod > skrunk > yod was probably the highlight. Really enjoyed the >, it had you guessing from mcbain, george to laz. makes sense since those songs are all within the same vein. The opium > DFD was a great way to start the 2nd set. Really enjoyed the DFD, the song has grown since the inception and I suspect it will continue to. Chromatic Nightmare is just that, a circus on a bad acid trip. I love this song, but want more from it. not sure how, but they need to work it into the buster trip or just far out there jams. Love the song and the potential is there. I call this one moe.'s catapult (it takes something to get there and should never be a stand alone). Y.O.Y. > Puebla > Tubing The River Styx > The Pit > Moth Nothing really to say here, except, yes! The YOY outtro was great and MOTH was fantastic. Hats of to Huffer. The lights during the build up in moth were amazing.. I dig on the LED white strobes. He really does a great job lighting this band. Don't want to sound too much like a huffer fluffer (good shirt idea), but the man has arrived.. 37,000 feet in the air and heading back to ATL. It seems like moe. has continued the fire of 2010 into 2011, don't miss a show. They are making fire. but to fly?"

michael 1/29/2011 3:01:13 PM

"I have the exact same assessment of the concert as the previous writer, more or less, except for this: I LOVED what they didn't. For me, it was great that they opened in such an exploratory and searching manner, and did such a good job of keeping this spirit going for the remainder of the night. This is exactly why I treasure their West Coast visits: always such an experience, always such a blast."

Greg 1/29/2011 9:51:01 AM

"Considering it was my first time seeing these guys play live, I think it was a great show. They got off to what seemed to me to be a slow start, lacking in energy and just up there in their own world, leaving the audience to fend for themselves. Kind of boring. They did however, find their groove at some point, it happened so naturally that I failed to notice. Audience participation and far as really feeling the music began to pick up to normal levels and I got lost in the sound along with everyone else. These guys are great musicians, real confident and creative with their instruments. The last 30 minutes of the show was awesome. Energy levels in auditorium peaked and the band was jamming. It made for a great ending to the show. I wish they would have exhibited that kind of enthusiasm throughout the entire show. But they are only human. Overall, it was awesome. Definitely going to see these guys again. "


Setlist at The Music Box, Hollywood, CA on Jan 28, 2011

Set One

Jazz Wank 793


Plane Crash 922


Where Does the Time Go 575


Yodelittle 866


Skrunk 661


Yodelittle 236


Seat of My Pants 583


Set Two

Opium 1038


Downward Facing Dog 825


Chromatic Nightmare 345


Y.O.Y. 641


Puebla 713


The Pit 802


Moth 904



New York City 296


Crab Eyes 413


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