Setlist at Electric Factory Philadelphia, PA on Apr 18, 2009
Set One
Set Two
Set Three
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Setlist at Electric Factory Philadelphia, PA on Apr 18, 2009
Set One
Set Two
Set Three
This Show Is Also Part Of
Melvin — 2/27/2022 2:58:12 PM
"First time listening to that Orch> Svengali. My god "
BB — 4/29/2009 1:00:24 PM
"I was at the 4/17 show, dying for that to be posted, but still says Pre Order. My first live Bisco show. I hope they didn't mess it up somehow."
herbivore — 4/27/2009 9:40:58 PM
"i love how some hardcore biscuits fans are so into being the biggest fan and all that silly shit. we can have differing opinions guys, were not clones. godforbit something other than dicksucking praise be said! "
jdubs911 — 4/27/2009 12:14:54 PM
"um if you cant be happy with a rianbow song then you shouldnt be a biscuit fan there aint nothing wrtong with oldschool biscuits:-)"
elisa — 4/27/2009 11:20:48 AM
"Yeah PCook! If you can't appreciate a good Rainbow Song what the hell are you doing at a biscuits show anyway?"
biscuitsandgravy — 4/27/2009 10:42:12 AM
"Have to agree with Herb, heard the Shelby>City>Shelby jam a few times, but it's always good."
PCook — 4/26/2009 8:34:53 AM
"Please refrain from writing about the Disco Biscuits if you do not think that Rainbow Song is a suitable encore."
herbivore — 4/24/2009 9:31:51 PM
"so i waited to listen the cd before reviewing the show, so here goes. the show itself was amazing. The fact that we sat 10 ft from jon in the balcony im sure had a lot to do with that, but the show was quite magical for sure. my first 42 and orch theme in the first set was very cool. im spoiled i guess cuz ive heard the shelby-city-shelby three times or so, but it never gets old. very cool to be on their cd when it comes out singing, although the audience isnt very audible on this mp3 copy, inconsequential though. rivers and mirrors sounded good. everyones all about the fiddler, it was ok, the guitar solo at the end was tight. very gilmouresque. jon was def on all nite. ladies,gangster,ladies was nice too. lame oncore with rainbow song, but 4+ hours later, i didnt blame them. all in all, very nice show, firey at times, sentimental at times, good mix of shit.....oh yea hot air balloon was very impressive, pulling out all the old school stops. glad to be apart of this. oh yea great roll too:) "
phillykid — 4/23/2009 12:06:37 PM
"SICK WEEKEND!!! Can't wait to hear myself on the album...OOOO OOO OOO!"
Chazzley — 4/23/2009 7:39:20 AM
"And let's not forget the Ladies>Ganster>Ladies"
Bripie — 4/22/2009 12:31:32 PM
"If Shelby->City->Shelby and/or HAB->Abyss->HAB isn't enough to buy this....then you're not a Disco Biscuits fan"