Setlist at Asheville Civic Center Asheville, NC on Apr 13, 2007

Set One
Solid Rock 390
Pigeons 544
Radio Child 390
Pickin' Up The Pieces 413
Weak Brain, Narrow Mind 326
Party At Your Mama's House 536
Stop Breakin' Down 414
Ribs and Whiskey 344
Cream Puff War 232
Set Two
Second Skin 770
Disco 356
Heroes 331
Impossible 431
1 x 1 398
Drums 241
I Walk On Guilded Splinters 712
Maggot Brain 378
Chilly Water 402
Proving Ground 394
Chilly Water 341
From the Cradle 264
Don't Be Denied 385
Action Man 276
Asheville Civic Center
Asheville, NC
Apr 13, 2007

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Setlist at Asheville Civic Center Asheville, NC on Apr 13, 2007

Set One
Solid Rock 390
Pigeons 544
Radio Child 390
Pickin' Up The Pieces 413
Weak Brain, Narrow Mind 326
Party At Your Mama's House 536
Stop Breakin' Down 414
Ribs and Whiskey 344
Cream Puff War 232
Set Two
Second Skin 770
Disco 356
Heroes 331
Impossible 431
1 x 1 398
Drums 241
I Walk On Guilded Splinters 712
Maggot Brain 378
Chilly Water 402
Proving Ground 394
Chilly Water 341
From the Cradle 264
Don't Be Denied 385
Action Man 276


AintNoUse 9/12/2008 1:43:16 PM

"I dont know if ive ever been at a Panic show with this much energy form the crowd and band (which is the reason they came back for Halloween 6 months later) The setlist was top notch but relistening to the download just doesnt do it justice compared to the magic in the building that night. The same can be said for alot of the Jimmy shows you relisten to at home. Cheers to Panic one of the best things going in the music world today."

chadaboogie 6/19/2007 10:50:42 AM

"That "Pickin` up the Pieces" is great! With Jimmy they really have reached a new and exciting new plane."

Mike 5/3/2007 5:35:40 PM

"Great, LOUD, show. We were right above Jimmy and all I could hear was his guitar wailing! (except when I was in the LONG beer line). "

belligosee 4/24/2007 12:58:07 AM

"SeNor bELL...the slide chops, the vocals chops, STUNNING. The cHaNGeS..., Mr. Schools if I were well versed in latin it would be easier to express my sentiments, Mr. Herring FLAWLESS, Todd "U Can`t hold No gRoOve If u aIN`t got no PocKEt", jO Jo aka mr. ECleCtIC the MelODIes melt in your HANds not in our moUths, and Sonny I mOsT ASSUrEDLY CHECK TO THE POWER. Thank You Gentlemen"

Billy Pero 4/23/2007 9:15:01 AM

"I was not their but I could hear the show from Atlanta, Just kidding it was vary loud, could have done without Action Man after a awsome Denied. One drink per person was a great Idea less profits for sales and lines were a mile long."

Tallboy 4/22/2007 12:27:16 AM

"Great show! Wish I didn`t spend half of it in beer line."

ch2o 4/19/2007 8:07:20 PM

"the city of asheville needs to live up to as cool as it is. no matter what, the show was alright. my girl saw her first show and she loved it. she is still trying to get her hearing back. that only concludes that it was a killer show, thanks to jimmy and the boys."

wes from 4/19/2007 5:12:36 PM


Kelvin Mercer 4/19/2007 1:07:49 PM

"Super high energy show. Never a dull moment. The crowd fared well, despite Asheville City Council members attending the show to look for naughty behavior. Chilly>Proving>Chilly was awesome! I thought Don`t Be Denied was a great end to the night...until they blasted into Action Man for a 3rd encore song. "

READ POST 4/19/2007 5:58:22 AM

"As CREAM PUFF IS ON HERE said it is on the end of Ribs. "

Dan P 4/19/2007 2:50:58 AM

"Jimmy is really turning it on "From the Cradle" --- Excellent!!"

Cream Puff is on here 4/18/2007 6:35:30 PM

"It is on the end of Ribs and Whiskey, just downloaded it. You can always rename it. Buy this show now!"

WHY NO CREAM PUFF? 4/18/2007 5:28:50 PM

"I was about to DL and saw they missed the cream puff. Surly its not b/c its a cover i mean come on panic does many covers?!?! "

Adam 4/18/2007 5:25:35 PM

"Had the privilege of being at this show. chilly>proving>chilly was sick. Hereos, DBD, PAYMH, what else can you ask for?"

Dont Be Denied 4/18/2007 4:35:34 PM

"Awesome show... super awesome Don`t be Denied -- Neil would be proud."

scott 4/18/2007 4:12:04 PM

"realize that, but there are other cream puffs available on the website. gimme the marshmellows "

must be royalties? 4/18/2007 3:29:44 PM

"Cream Puff War cover song Written by: Jerry Garcia"

Scott 4/18/2007 2:20:04 PM

"Wheres cream puff?????"

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