Setlist at Bonnaroo Music Festival Manchester, TN on Jun 17, 2007
Set One
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Setlist at Bonnaroo Music Festival Manchester, TN on Jun 17, 2007
Set One
Show Notes
gimme herring — 7/17/2007 8:13:04 PM
"radioheadyorke- Brilliantly stated! YOU have rekindled hope,in this humble readers opinion,and doubtless many more,in the future of not only Widespread Panic,but also, the state of our great nation!Indviduals like yourself do indeed keep the nation at it`s present level of intellect.(Visit for proof of this phenomenon!)Cheers,BRAH!!!!!!! "
AL Panic — 7/17/2007 6:31:32 PM
"All in all they are revisiting "classic" Panic presently than any other time post `02. A lot of you need to quit relying on Mommy and Daddy and understand this is a working mans` band and they have battled their way through the good and bad. Half you kids need to get off the parental payroll and enjoy this band."
radioheadyorke — 7/16/2007 4:09:12 PM
"gimme herring...youre a dumbass....... youre posting about the show, and talking about smoking herb and drinking..... what the fuck have you done positively for the country "Hope they rev it up this fall.".......come fall time, I`m sure your dumbass will be at another Panic show drunker than piss not knowing where you are, not even considering the state of the country.... shut up you poser hippie douche"
gimme herring — 7/9/2007 7:40:37 PM
"My first Panic show sober.I just couldn`t abuse my liver and lungs any further.I hope it is just coincidence that they were not very good.Asheville and first night Athens were below average as well in my opinion.Hope they rev it up this fall.Further,if people got their panties in such a wad about the state of this country as they do about a stupid post we all would be better off right now.Idiots. "
jjb — 7/5/2007 6:25:32 PM
"trane, its real easy to find old shows to download. furthurnet is a good spot with good quality shows, tons of other sites. don`t call it an inexcusable embarrassment, they can release whatever they want, its their band. "
Coconut Phil — 6/28/2007 4:42:34 AM
"What a kick ass show, I was not able to be there, doing the live wife and kids gig these days, it`s the best thing playing. I see lots of bad vibes here. This site is awesome and I love it, it brings all these great shows to me usually a few days later. All the bitching about what we don`t get reflects poorly on us as fans. We will get some classic Panic when the time is right. We must remember that Mike Houser had a wife and kids too, they may have some say about this and the timing. " we will have no wine before its time" In the meantime, there is a shitload of killer jam here. I`m ready too, for some Classic Panic, its coming. The Grateful Dead have kept shows for over 35 years now, I still love to get a new one. Keep jamming Panic fans, live free and be happy, free your minds. Coconut Phil. Simpsonville, SC. June 28, 2007."
thibodeaux — 6/27/2007 7:24:07 PM
"Trane, ARE YOU SERIOUS??? are you completely serious? an inexcusable embarassment? i don`t know about anyone on here reading these things but i have never been embarassed at anything i have ever heard panic do or seen them do musically or for the sake of business. i for one am very excited about this download site.... its the next best thing to having jojo, schools, jb, todd, sonny, or any of the three great guitarsits call me and verbally give me permission to download their stuff. now while i would love to be able to get older shows from this site far be it any of our (the fans) rights to call it an inexcusable embarassment that they are not available. nice choice of words."
bill — 6/27/2007 9:47:31 AM
"I don`t quite understand how anyone can complain about not having older shows to purchase. How many other band`s websites have a weekly podcast that can be downloaded? There are segments from shows over a vast period of time and althought they may not be complete shows, they are a treasure trove of Panic past. Enjoy them!"
Dave — 6/25/2007 8:07:36 AM
"Any artwork?"
Skeeter B — 6/25/2007 4:27:58 AM
"Bonnaroo! WOW! Thats was an experience in itself. Panic put on a great show even though I was beat from the weekend. I have nevr heard them play heaven in concert and I finally did. Wishthey would have played Sat. nite instead of Sun. nite. "
2nd that motion — 6/23/2007 10:05:42 AM
"I agree with trane on this one. It is way past due to offer up some old shows. The price wouldn’t matter to me for a show I had to have. As much as I love the new stuff, I’m ready to reminisce where my love for panic started. Boys, “Old Shows Please”…you’ll make a killing."
adam — 6/22/2007 2:57:31 PM
"Trane an excuseable embarrassment is absurd. First off, it`s a sensitive thing for them to do one, one that may have been harder with GMac. Also, they are still touring and Phish isn`t. Phish`s download site has been up a couple more years than WP`s. "
trane — 6/20/2007 8:04:57 PM
"A little something to help Panic restablish itself as a force to be reckoned with in the live music scene. I always wished they`d put Protein>Sewing in the rotation, and the Fairies is just too much. Great mix. Great download, however... I`m no Phish fan, but what they`re doing as far as their downloads is worth mentioning here. They just put up the Murat Theatre `93 show, a seminal developmental performance, in a nice retrospective presentation complete with an essay about the shows overall importance to the band and the fans. It is an embarrassment that, here - nearly five years after Mike Houser`s death - Widespread Panic has yet to release a single show of his for download. An inexcusable embarrassment. Also, that Phish show`s going for thirteen bucks. Here the Panic shows cost sixteen. Also weak (although the three extra bucks would be worth it for a Mike show). "
She`s got her own little way — 6/20/2007 3:36:06 PM
"The show was amazing Sunday night-- by far the most fun I`ve had ever... it was only my 3rd show but def my favorite:) The whole reason we made the trip up to Bonnaroo was for Panic, and the show absolutely made the intense heat and dust worth enduring for 4 days. Jimmy absolutely ripped it up- everyone just freakin` rocked out. I still have a smile plastered across my face :) :) Thanks Panic "
DOUGIE WHITAKER — 6/20/2007 6:42:28 AM
"jimmy has made himself right at home man. i think he was destin to land here on stage with WSP. the guys were on point at bonnaroo and hell they`ve been on fire for a while now. absolutley amazing. i met a few folks in the campground at bonnaroo who had never heard of WSP. kinda freaked me out!!,but i made sure too tell them they had to go see the show. sure enough they came back totally agreeing that WSP was WHERE ITS AT!!!.keep it up guys and thanks TAKE HER EASY "
derrick white — 6/19/2007 5:42:44 PM
"amazing and seamless great show hands down...the fairies wear boots was a major suprise...god jimmy herring is was so good its sick...thanks guys for a great night of music...thanks to all...and god bless your souls ha ha ha lol..."
Jessica — 6/19/2007 5:28:23 PM
"This was the best Panic show I`ve ever seen! "