Setlist at Montbleu Resort Stateline, NV on Jul 3, 2006
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Montbleu Resort Stateline, NV on Jul 3, 2006
Set One
Set Two
motorcitymadman — 11/7/2008 8:21:42 AM
"Tahoe just rocks. Great venue and a sweet evening with the boys. Rock was smokin and Sometimes was like a freight train!!! Just awsome. JKMB told everybody the boys meant business this night, and a pumping Last Dance! One of the better Goin out west I've heards as well, really. Super grovvy. Got up front row and felt like we had a private show in this place. Best part was the beer cart in the middle of the front rows and the crazy Mother f'ers from Oklahoma....Cheers "
JGM — 9/29/2006 8:18:41 PM
"I was there. It was my birthday and it was an insane party. By the end of the night this guy next to me was just standing there totally stunned by Goin Out West, mouth hanging open. Satisfaction all around. A great show for me, THANKS WP!"
John — 8/23/2006 4:09:27 PM
"I happened by chance to stumble on this show.I can not believe there is not more reviews for this show! IT"S A GEM! Great setlist and performance of songs! Very laid back and great jams! Top notch recording!"
houstonrice — 7/10/2006 2:51:38 PM
"killer show, whenever the boys pull last dance out of their bag of tricks it`s going to be a special night. great energy from everyone. look forward to the rest of the tour especially the two nights in louisville. thanks for everything."