Setlist at Southern Illinois University Arena Carbondale, IL on Dec 1, 2000
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Southern Illinois University Arena Carbondale, IL on Dec 1, 2000
Set One
Set Two
Show Notes
Recorded live at Southern Illinois University Arena in Carbondale, IL on December 1, 2000, this very special multi-track recording features all original band members including late guitarist Michael Houser.
oshie — 10/17/2023 12:24:25 PM
"This show holds a special place in my heart man. But aye the last bit of that Low Spark ya hur me"
Mymule1013 — 2/11/2022 10:30:03 AM
"Tour closer. This whole fall run was straight gas. I lived in torment and fell to the bottle hard after Mikey passed. The band still reigns but to lose such an influence on their songwriting! Just when they were starting to hit the prime… One could go on and on… never mind my jealous needs. I agree sometimes it seems that all we have we have taken. "
earthway — 8/18/2009 6:14:08 PM
"More cowbell! Seriously- please release more 98-02'. Need more Mikey and Dirty Dozen!!!!!"
jackstraw — 6/23/2009 12:48:33 PM
"thank you... from germany Rock'n roll will never die best stuff"
bob b — 11/6/2008 1:35:24 PM
"Please release more mikey panic. George and Jimmy are great, but it would be nice to hear some more old mikey stuff from the archives. Thanks"
Brad — 10/9/2008 9:06:55 PM
"I can't believe no one mentioned the "Let's get the Show on the Road" is hauntingly beautiful. This is such a gem of a show. Too many highlights to mention. Mikey is insane at this show. JoJo just bangs those keys like his life was depending on it. JB is such a soulful singer it's spooky. Do not pass this one up! They are truly Rock N' Roll's greatest secret!"
more please! — 9/7/2008 1:10:01 PM
"great show. i actually had the aud of this show on my hard drive for the last few months and was impressed then. having this in multi-track now is a great gift. Jojo is really on point here. '96, '98, or '99 next please!!"
Mike — 8/5/2008 4:00:22 PM
"This is by far the best Widespread Panic I have seen released so far. Man! What energy! This is a great example of how hot they were with Mike and it makes me a bit nostalgic. I think Jimmy is awesome and is getting along well with the band. But this show right here? Man! I hope there will be more from the early days (91-94). "
martin — 7/28/2008 4:21:03 PM
"Houser---needI say more!!"
Chris — 7/9/2008 5:40:47 AM
"This is by far the most rocking show on this entire site. Please put up more stuff from the archives! Jojo tickling the ivories and Mikey's lead are in tip top shape the whole show."
guy — 7/6/2008 9:33:50 PM
"finally a download with houser thankyou"
mrz200 — 7/1/2008 5:15:36 PM
"today's favorite Carbondale segment: 10:30 to 12:30 on Low Spark"
SIxdays — 6/29/2008 9:45:51 AM
"Thanks you sir, may I have another? "
Gamecock Andy — 6/28/2008 2:08:42 PM
"Hate to grip-but-where are the cd labels for Carbondale? Agree 100% this is a great show!"
eastcoat — 6/23/2008 10:59:00 PM
"i do agree with JRKottom about getting a better image. Maybe a couple pictures from the show or something. i mean even itunes does that when you buy from them, not to sound like a prix. but anyway i love this cd i have it and cant stop listening to it, Houser was the man. Great cd, Anybody reading the reviews on this, stop , just buy . "
XMas KT K — 6/23/2008 9:07:40 PM
"I was there! I love that WSP is releasing Archives, especially this show! What a great choice! It was truly a fun one. Please consider releasing the night before - Murray State, KY was totally rockin'! Check out the set list for 11.30.2000"
JRKottom — 6/20/2008 7:59:25 AM
"Finest download yet! However, I have to complain about the lack of a complete CD cover art pdf. For the price I can't see why they can't manage that, very lame. "
henry parsons lives — 6/19/2008 4:58:41 PM
"Pulled out a nice Cabernet Franc from 2000 to enjoy with this tasty treat. Thanks to widespread records for releasing this great show. Looking forward to many more. I wonder what was going on down front during Ain't Life Grand to cause JB to say "You two get a room" at the end. Great to hear Mikey again. Peace to the band and to the home team. "
Neez — 6/18/2008 7:23:36 AM
"Guys -- Thanks for opening up the vault. Really love the show and the sound quality. So nice to hear Mikey again. Please keep them coming!!!"
sparking it — 6/17/2008 10:41:25 PM
"Long a galaxy far away........ I was at The U.of Georgia when Panic was just getting started. It amazes me!!! I remember running into a guy (about 40 yrs. old)that told me about the days he would see The Dead every week or so when he was in California as a young man. I was blown away when he said that they were cool and all but he had seen them soo many times that the shine had grown dull. I was chasing The Dead at the time and did not fully understand..........until a couple of years ago......i used to see Panic almost every week>>>at the Uptown or Ga. Theatre or any number of frat. did not matter.....they were the band to see in Athens at that time and they were JUST GETTING STARTED!!!! Sorta like the dude I spoke of with The Dead...... I saw them so many times the shine fell away...........WELL........LET ME TELL YOU........ It is back with a vengance!!!!!!!!!! I have been to a bunch of shows and if there was anyone that could fill the unfillable shoes of Micheal Houser I would say they have found him in Jimmy Herring. They are past the grief and turning it up a notch!!!! For those of you trying to figure out what I am trying to say......... This show is a great example of how strong this band was......!!! They are reinventing themselves as their musical evolution continues and they are getting Stronger!!!!!!! Keep going to the shows!!!!!! Support the band in any way you can and always remember the magic!!!!! I know I will!!!!!! For some of us it is all we have to remind us of where we come from and how humble we should be!!!!!!!Long live the brotherhood in The Old Neighborhood!!!!!! CYA ON TOUR!!!!!!"
Fry — 6/17/2008 3:56:07 PM
"This truly is an amazing WSP show from the glory days. Mikey rips like never before and the whole band seems to be on point and just feed off of each other. Well worth every penny, this show will blow you away with quality."
grateful — 6/17/2008 4:51:42 AM
"AWESOME!!!!!!! Thanks guys!!!"
Kracker Jack — 6/16/2008 3:21:36 PM
"I love listening to Old Panic and this show blows my mind. They were spot on on Let's Get Down to Business and they just took the success from that and never looked back. The Tall Boy, Rock, and Stop Breaking Down were a great mix for the first set and then the One Arm Steve, Airplane, Low Spark to Drums is the Panic I remember..This may be the best recording I have ever listened to studio or live. Listening to Mikey now is like running into your old ex-girlfriend and remembering the way you loved her. I can't wait for the next one. No offense to anyone, but the Houser Panic is the standard I use to judge any music and he had it down that night (they all did JoJo... Dave...all of them) Taco Todd you better agree. God bless Widespread Panic for bringing this to me and God Bless Michael Houser."
UK SREADHEAD — 6/16/2008 1:49:07 PM
"Best Thought Sausage I've ever heard"
impossibility — 6/15/2008 10:53:37 PM
"7-25-01 myrtle honor of the upcoming good sounding sources out there...possibly?"
dissapointed — 6/15/2008 10:50:28 PM
"Why can't all livewsp shows from here on out sound this good? it would be worth the wait to get a full matrix as opposed to having instant gratification of something that sounds like it was recorded in a studio with extended jams"
UGA — 6/15/2008 10:28:21 PM
"I'm sittin' here listening to the Morning Dew (4-23-08)--22+ min.....I was walking to the bookstore when my friend's girl said " A cool band is playing at the Uptown tonight~!" It seems I went to School!!!!!!!!"
MR — 6/15/2008 8:20:14 PM
"next vault release should by 4/3/96 Huntsville. Arleen>Satisfied>Arleen>Vacation. Nuff said."
UK SPREADHEAD — 6/15/2008 8:36:54 AM
"FANTASTIC!!!! I've been a Panic lover since '89 and despite living overseas I've seen them probably 15 times or more, so I've got a clue. And this is FANTASTIC! One of the best things you could possibly download here. Hearing Houser like this is emotional in a totally uplifting way. And that's not to take anything away from Jimmy 'Gandalf' Herring, who I think has helped Widespread realize their ultimate potential. But this just brings back the excitement and electricity of the ORIGINAL WIDESPREAD IN FULL GLORY. This show makes me think of Houser and the band in terms of their friendship and accomplishments together and how hard it must have been and still sometimes be for the guys in the band and, of course, Michael's family. But what a life to have lived - to have brought the Panic into our lives... here's to you Michael Houser. AND THIS SHOW ROCKS ROCKS ROCKS! And it's true, JoJo does play his ass off!"
see you on "The Rocks" — 6/11/2008 9:57:38 PM
""Sometimes it seems that all we have, we have taken" R.I.P. Michael Houser"