Setlist at Susquehanna Bank Center Camden, NJ on Aug 21, 2009
Set One
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Setlist at Susquehanna Bank Center Camden, NJ on Aug 21, 2009
Set One
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miles — 9/21/2009 5:38:14 PM
"rebuttal to some reviews. how can you wsp fans keep comparing with abb like it's a contest? example: wsp blew the bros. off the stage, warren and derek can take a hike? do you think THEY are competing with each other? i know jimmy is the man but so are derek and warren. i am just warming up to wsp so i don't know everything yet except that they can make some INCREDIBLE music. i love schools, bell, and herring. BUT the abb are coming from a different direction. they are steeped in the blues which wsp is not. warren and derek can rip a hole in the sky just as good as jimmy.and i have been looking forward to the 2 bands playing together so i can hear jimmy with the bros. and warren and derek play with wsp. this is a good thing. you get to hear the players in a different context.quit bashing. it is not possible for either of these bands to have a bad show. get on the mule train"
jt — 8/28/2009 8:51:09 AM
"Show was smoking hot! Panic was on fire from the get go, and set the bar really high for ABB (members of WSP helped out for thier set tho). The jam section of Fishwater>Xmas Katie>t light>diner>>wrangler>blackout is top notch old school panic at their best! Highly recomended!"
soup — 8/22/2009 4:01:08 PM
"was at the show. not 70 minutes. closer to 2 hours. WSP blew the brothers off the stage. Much higher energy set. Lots more people groovin'. GREAT way to start the tour. Not one bit of rust. "
wspanic — 8/22/2009 3:07:26 PM
"Both bands are playing for 2 hours each. This show is on 2 discs because it was 2 hours long."
awaker — 8/22/2009 2:23:16 PM
"Why put this on two disc's? it's only seventy minutes long. ThIs "tour" is a joke and I hope they like playing to three or four hundred people a night. I'll be in chicago the same time as the shows, I'm going to see "Steely Dan". Sorry to see it go down this way."
shawn — 8/22/2009 9:22:05 AM
"Widespread went on first and went on exactly at the showtime on the ticket which was 7 pm and played for 1 hr 50 minutes or so. They also sounded great, on fire for the first night of a new tour. Get in early!"
Eric S. — 8/22/2009 8:33:10 AM
"Does anybody know who played first, and if they actually went on right at 6:00? Thanks"
bear — 8/22/2009 7:23:08 AM
"fantastic set............thanks guys!!!.............always good to hear it!!............"
DEENTZ — 8/22/2009 7:15:15 AM
"The Camden curfew forced the bands to cut their respective sets down to just 2 hrs each, but Panic and WSP earned their keep tonight. Listening to the show again this morning, there are still a couple of times I can't believe Jimmy's hands didn't burst into flame. This was an all-around great show, with a flawlessly executed playlist that made the night one that I will not soon forget. Guest appearances with ABB were great, ESPECIALLY Jimmy guesting on Whipping Post. "
panicnow — 8/21/2009 8:23:55 PM
"hot hot hot"