Setlist at The Palace Theatre Louisville, KY on Aug 1, 2006
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at The Palace Theatre Louisville, KY on Aug 1, 2006
Set One
Set Two
Show Notes
Thomas Hardin — 10/26/2017 5:50:08 PM
"The first set was no doubt the worst set of panic I've ever seen or heard even and the boys knew especially JB knew things were getting bad. Worst first set in wsp history but one of interesting second set with emotion and Sam Holt stepping up! The GIMME gavee the chills with meaningful emotion expressed through JB needing a hand from his ol' partner in crime! Yep, Sam Holt saved the show somewhat while George was en route to Oxford, Mississippi! Interesting time in the boys history. "
RIBS — 1/29/2007 12:55:07 PM
" I started seeing Panic in `92, & for what it`s worth,this show was not only historic,but it was a breath of fresh air when I walked in the show & saw something that we`d never seen before.It was different,& the band showed themselves as the professionals they are, rocking the Palace like many times before."
Jahm — 9/11/2006 1:46:33 PM
"I know this post is somewhat dated, but I felt I had to jump in after reading the other reviews when I downloaded this show. I went to this show and it was the first time I had seen WSP since Bonnaroo 02. Rumors were flying before the show even started and it made for an auspicious begining. Once the music started flowing, there was this quiet energy building. The first few songs were very well played, kind of had you in that spacey grove mode where you just kind of zoned out listening to it. When Sam came out, you felt things starting to take off. The second set with Sam on lead clearly had a an energy building...check out some of the work on Lets Get the Show on the Road...Sometimes showed some of Sam`s abilty to jam out, but the real energy began to build during the solos of I Am Not Alone, then exploded and blew the house during Chainsaw City...My mind was numb after that. Clearly anyone who says this is the worst WSP show ever just started seeing them last year and didn`t know that this is the way it was supposed to be!!!! My first show was in `92 and I can tell you that this show freakin` rocked!!! Get this download, in addition to some of the best guitar work since Houser, JB`s vocals are right on!! "
Smigs — 8/14/2006 1:41:59 PM
"Everyone who posted on here be sides Patfield is an idiot. Both Palace shows smoked. VT boy get your punk ass back to Virginia and judge every freakin` note played down in your basement while your mom is cooking my dinner. Some of you f*ckers are never happy. Bottom line 2 strong historical shows puttin` the wheels in motion. Satisfied."
Mountaineer — 8/10/2006 9:16:04 PM
"Sadly enough this was my first WSP show so I don`t have a reference for comparison, but it was highly energetic especially the 2nd set. It looked like lead guitarist try-outs on stage sometimes though, lol. No band needs more than one good guy behind that spot... but I understand their circumstances at the time. Herring should fit in well with Panics style. I`ve seen him with The Dead and other installments many times. He`s kindof a noodler on the strings but he`ll hit it here I`m certain."
John — 8/10/2006 4:26:16 PM
"Spell check..."greeted". Sorry about that, I`m doing this review on the fly. Thanks!"
John — 8/10/2006 4:16:06 PM
"Spell check..."balloons". Excuse my error."
John — 8/10/2006 4:05:31 PM
"Could not agree with you more WSP06. John Keane`s Fender Telecaster set-up and playing is about as one dimensional as you can get. It took Sam Holt coming out for the second set to salvage this show. To top things off, after the show and walking down the alley, to be "greated" by a drug-addled crowd doing "ballons". Pathetic. "
VT Boy — 8/8/2006 6:33:12 PM
""Worst WSP I ever saw" such a lame statement I couldn`t even quote it right."
VT Boy — 8/8/2006 6:30:38 PM
""Worst WSP ever I ever" Were you and I at the same show. 1st Set: best set of all 4 in Louisville. Thanks for comin` back to Burlington! Lookin` forward to it. Thanks George!"
PATFIELD — 8/8/2006 2:30:39 PM
"What was it? Did hearing Surprise Valley played correctly damage your cerebral cortex? God knows I supported Panic and George over the last four years...I even fought over it. However, they sounded SOOOO MUCH BETTER the very first day he was gone that it made me admit that my defense of their sound during the McConnell era was one thing and one thing alone: Blind, undying loyalty. I`m glad I stuck w/ them and I`m also glad that Sam has John Keane has helped them bust out of their rut, because they were becoming more of a shell of the band they used to be. The fire has been reignited with the help of Samuel and J.K., and Herring is about to come and throw rocket fuel on it this Fall. I just hope that Sam hangs on and continues to come out and play on occasion (more than that, actually, because Sam Holt is a bad motherfucker who sounds more than just right...Hang on!!"
WSP06 — 8/7/2006 9:33:29 PM
"the first set of this show was probably the worst WSP I have ever heard"
Lee — 8/7/2006 8:58:25 AM
"I love The Palace.....what a great place to see my favorite Band, "The Panic". George, Thank you for 4 GREAT years.....please come back out and play with us sometime soon!! Until then......Keep Rockin!"
remillini — 8/7/2006 5:17:56 AM
"Unbelievable Show.... It felt like there was a little extra energy in the air. And once they started it was evident by the songs they played that we were on to something special. Sam Holt rocked it like it hasn`t been done for quite sometime. George, thanks for getting us through a rough time but personally I`m very excited about what`s in store for the WSP Family. Definitely see ya` in the FALL!"