Setlist at The Wharf Orange Beach, AL on Apr 27, 2007
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at The Wharf Orange Beach, AL on Apr 27, 2007
Set One
Set Two
Show Notes
NoName — 12/9/2007 5:57:01 PM
"One of the sickest Tickle The Truths I have heard. Great show, hope y`all come back to The Wharf next year!"
wjpossum2001 — 5/30/2007 1:40:36 PM
"This is a pretty good show for Widespread but the really nice spread was in the mid and late 90`s. God I miss those days. They used to rip way harder but this is worth the download."
zeth — 5/17/2007 9:57:38 PM
"Great show, Good times. Chucka`s 40`th Birthday, say no more! It was a true Yellow Rose. Bring it to the Northwest!"
drivinman25 — 5/14/2007 3:15:16 PM
"Logic setbreak needs to be on this show..... ain`t no use, hatfield, traveling light > DJ LOGIC > Let it Rock....Great show!! Good to come back to OGB and see the band do the damn thing! WSP..Thanks for 25 thrilling times!!"
island picker — 5/14/2007 3:04:26 PM
"Hey moe.lixir, obviously your musical ignorance has stooped to an even lower level, I have no problem with moe, and I see them every tour they have; reaching the southern states. I`m guessing your recently getting on this jam music bandwagon. You`ve already showed us your limited knowledge, in bashing this show. So I think I speak for all true panic fans, when I say, take "the conch" out of your ass, and get the hell off this website. "
parkeid — 5/12/2007 6:19:02 AM
"If you did`nt get it, then this is not the place for you......"
OBeach — 5/11/2007 4:10:56 PM
"I haven`t seen the band since Aug `91 in Richmond at the Flood Zone. In those days you could get within a few feet of the band and let them rip your skin off ;) WSP has always been about driving that energy lick by lick, chord by chord and beat by beat. This show was no exception. Jimmy is the shit!!! It really took off for me durin WDYBT and never let me down. Thanks to the Wharf staff for a stress-free event, please make this an annual Southern show a la Red Rocks. And I agree, please let some of the crowd noise feed into the downloads......Thanks John, JoJo, Jimmy, Dave, Domingo, and Todd. You guys are welcome in AL anytime. "
moe.lixir — 5/11/2007 8:29:44 AM
"I don`t get it...Widespread is no good. Can no one else see that??"
Coconut Phil — 5/7/2007 6:21:12 PM
"Shazam man, the Ain`t no use>Hatfield>Travlin light is awesome jam. I hope the boys are off to record the new CD. Jimmy has really dug in and jams his ass off. This is the best fucking band in the world, keep jamming America. Maybe the war will end soon and our troops will come home to join us. Living free. Coconut Phil. Simpsonville, SC. May 7, 2007."
hope it aint your daddys shootin day — 5/7/2007 12:17:01 AM
"Man, i havnt seen a show like this in a while,the energy was so high , i mean , you could just feel it comin off of the person dancing beside you!! The set list was unbelievable. JB was talkin that night in the hatfield!!! Like he was jus talkin to somebody who was gettin down!! Great show guys!! Hope to see you soon!!!!!!!"
papadawglegba — 5/5/2007 9:59:12 PM
"Yo had to go back 2 days later to find my head.. It had been blown off into the sandy goodness that is Orange Beach!"
The Supervisor — 5/5/2007 8:40:22 PM
"Jimmy Herring`s playing is outstanding. This band is really clicking now, and it is great to hear them open up their songs again. On this show, and as it should be with Panic, the best moments are the improvisational ones."
mcealy — 5/5/2007 3:07:18 PM
"just finished listening to this one 4/27 heat, but there are some quirks...the Arleen had a Thank U Fa Lettin me be mice elf Again tease in it, not sure why we can`t really hear the crowd on this one, but panic should consider allowin crowd sound for monumental shows such as this one. the 12-31-05 had it, why can`t this recording? Furthermore, the intermission w/DJ Logic should be a part of the WHOLE recording, especially since u can`t relive the whole thing without the house music that propels the energy for the 2nd set which culminated with Logic doing a Thank U fa lettin me b mice elf!!!!!!!!!!!!! Killer show, nonetheless."
parkreid — 5/5/2007 10:18:30 AM
"This was the best show i`ve seen in bout 5 years,from start to finish they kept everything old school.The opening with holden into 1by1 and then wdubt ,just sick ass shit,jack, aint no use and hatfeild into travelin was insane.The let it rock to open the second was great,diner ride me high, arleen,dyin man,driving need i say more. This type of atmosphere takes u back to places like oak mountian.Great show guys,also finally a great encore for a change, trouble, wish u were here, blackout, haha,cant beat that.Much appreciation to the Wharf staff those guys were great, if you are a true panic fan see them at the wharf "
fishtosser — 5/5/2007 8:41:57 AM
"This show took over a spot in my top 3. After the second set, you looked and around.....NOBODY!! knew what hit them. You must download this one!!"
fishtosser — 5/5/2007 8:39:50 AM
billy glenn — 5/4/2007 9:42:12 PM
"This show exemplified everything that is good about panic. Look at the first set times on WDYBT, Aint No use, and Hatfield. WDYBT had a jam before and after the song which I`ve never heard, then the other two just took us to another planet. Then second set starts with DJ Logic jamming mice elf, which was a continued theme in every jam of the second set! But starting with Let it Rock! hell yea. and Time Zones, while new, was a freak out thanks to Jimmy. The second set jam sandwich beginning with Diner was the greatest panic jam I`ve heard since Mikey passed. I was sent into another galaxy. And I agree with all that The Wharf should be the southern red rocks for at least 10 years."
roach leg — 5/4/2007 7:13:54 PM
"Best show I have seen in years. Download this show. it will blow your fucking head off!!"
FromtheCradle — 5/4/2007 9:00:51 AM
"If you did not attend this show, believe me you need to hear this one folks! They were attacking us from all angles that night, and I couldn`t stop smiling. They let us chew on good ole` Driving sandwich for awhile, and man did it taste good! Anytime a first set looks like that, you know the second is going to be RIDICULOUS! Ride Me High and Arleen were awesome calls, and I have never danced and stomped so hard in my life! Download this show now! It is very very much worth it! See you this summer! "Face looks good, but yo` body`s ready!""
chadaboogie — 5/4/2007 7:54:29 AM
"I`d have to say this is one of the best Panic shows I`ve seen in years. They were on top of their game this night, and not to mention that the venue and staff were nothing short of perfect! No problems, no stress, just a good ole time in Orange Beach, AL! If this becomes a more permanent stop for Panic, which I think it will, I`ll be there everytime. See you heads at the summer tour closers in Charlotte! Wahoo! "
Waker — 5/4/2007 12:02:38 AM
"Spring Tour was one for the ages! Please come back to Phoenix!"
MC ^2 — 5/3/2007 10:03:12 PM
"A show this good should not be overlooked. The expression on the faces of the staff when the fans started stomping in the rafters at the beginning of Holden Oversoul marked the level of intensity that Panic brought here with them to Alabama. The fact that Panic is the first artist to sell out and perform TWO nights should overwhelm the local State Of Alabama`s Better Business Bureau and allow Panic the key to Gulf Shores, Orange Beach, and Foley for at least another 10 years. Those same fans that came to Panic went to the Mullet get real and book these boys down south more often."
michael campbell — 5/3/2007 9:55:45 PM
"This Friday night show rocked the house, chopped the house, sliced the dice, and then some....If this show does not bring Panic back to its southern roots, then I don`t know what will. Jerry Joseph was good. DJ Logic brought back memories of the 99 Mud Island show with Colin Butler on turntables during Dyin` Man. Dave and Jimmy coalesced into Children Of the Grave jam with classic Sabbath roots out of Ride Me High. JB surprised us all with Trouble into Wish You Were Here. Classic fuckin` rock. If Panic doesn`t turn this Orange Beach into a Red Rocks for the South, then someone needs to fire the promoter."
wsp20021980 — 5/3/2007 7:24:30 PM
"Dude the show live rocked, glad I can take it with me everywhere now"
fish20 — 5/3/2007 6:29:01 PM
"SICKKKK! That`s 1 for the HOMETEAM"
Araxis — 5/3/2007 3:31:30 PM
"Excellent!! That Let It Rock smelled!! :P"
Shotgundaddy — 5/3/2007 2:10:06 PM
"Awesome show! First night killed the second night. DJ Logic is worth the me!"