Setlist at The Wharf Orange Beach, AL on May 7, 2010
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at The Wharf Orange Beach, AL on May 7, 2010
Set One
Set Two
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CrazyHorse — 5/12/2010 8:14:45 AM
"This was our 4th O.Beach trip... this was the best O.Beach shows ever!! 1st night opener with "Don't be Denied".. worked in a nasty "Shape I'm In"; then brilliant "F U BP"!! blows up the band into "Vampire"! Crowd was Nuts! Night 2.. Jimmy was on fire from "Chilly>> Fairies w/Boots>>Vacation"GOW". Melty gooey faces all around. Get These Shows!"
Wharf Rat — 5/12/2010 8:11:10 AM
"A truly inspired show from a twenty year vet."
Chase T from Nashville — 5/11/2010 7:30:19 AM
"This run of shows is Jimmy's Oak Mountain. First set was amazing. First Don't Be Denied opener since 1988! Ribs > Stop Breakin' Down was sickness. Proving > Vampire was dark and nasty. Dave brought the WOMP all weekend. Some of the best Panic I've ever seen. And then the second set came around. Great Machine > Barstools. Ain't No Use and Bowlegged tore the house down. All in all, download this run NOW!"
Rob — 5/10/2010 5:04:16 PM
"Absolutely vicious! Drove from Atlanta and well worth it. Think I lost my mind during Thought Sausage. I will have to find it at WSP in Charlotte this summer."
kyle — 5/9/2010 7:32:51 PM
"proving ground - perfect, gnarly heavy. the best jack i have ever heard. get this show right f'n now!"
Head — 5/8/2010 6:40:22 PM
"Nice show, the first 5 songs sure sound different with jb's voice only on the right speaker."
Susan Conner — 5/8/2010 1:21:53 PM
"Heard it was AWESOME"