
Chateau Sessions pt I

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Ryan D 4/22/2024 5:47:21 PM

"That chateau jam just lifts you up, no words needed. The best jam as a new unit by far ! Goose2.0 is about to be life changing even more folks "

Pr0bst 3/23/2024 12:10:01 PM

"Chateau jam pt2 so sick, borne jam so sick Tweekz is turned up and sounding fine just fine. Hoping for the shows this summer to have a similar sound and they really take some jams to a new level. Maybe Peter will learn some more piano? Maybe he’ll hang it up and just jam w the lads XoXo"

SpreadNDead504 3/18/2024 6:39:05 AM

"Listened to this and part 2 about 4 times now and I can definitely say this band is the real deal, and has a very bright future ahead."

Clay 3/14/2024 9:01:53 AM

"GOAT madhuvan "

MikesGroove 3/13/2024 9:08:14 AM

"End of Borne is a nice showcase of Cotter on cymbals. The Madhuvan is superb, start to finish. Listening to it, all I can think is, wow can’t wait to see this in concert. Pumped to see part II just dropped!"


Atlas Dogs 441


Borne 1930


Chateau Jam 1849


Wysteria Lane 989


Madhuvan 1147


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