Setlist at The Fillmore Charlotte Charlotte, NC on Mar 3, 2022

Set One
Honeybee 558
Creatures 1424
Pumped Up Kicks 403
Elizabeth 995
Silver Rising 576
Tumble 1405
Set Two
Slow Ready 1182
Hot Tea 1135
A Western Sun 467
White Lights 1000
Dancin In The Moonlight 326
The Fillmore Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
Mar 3, 2022

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Setlist at The Fillmore Charlotte Charlotte, NC on Mar 3, 2022

Set One
Honeybee 558
Creatures 1424
Pumped Up Kicks 403
Elizabeth 995
Silver Rising 576
Tumble 1405
Set Two
Slow Ready 1182
Hot Tea 1135
A Western Sun 467
White Lights 1000
Dancin In The Moonlight 326

Show Notes

Honeybee - Jon L on Rainstick
Pumped Up Kicks - Foster The People
Hot Tea -  Europe teases

Dancin’ In The Moonlight - King Harvest

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BobbyLuv 10/18/2022 8:39:18 PM

"Very strong set 1, but the Slow Ready>Hot Tea to open set 2 is straight baby making music"

Jamie 9/7/2022 9:26:38 AM

"This show may be the best sound quality of the entire tour. Best Tumble?"

Charlotte Goose 6/19/2022 8:14:22 AM

"I’ve seen a ton of shows at the Fillmore over the years. This was the best crowd I’ve ever seen there. NC loves GOOOSE"

Eric 6/7/2022 6:35:51 PM

"Great show. Set 2 gets the love, rightfully so, but I always seem to come back to set 1. Just an all around beauty. "

Collin Ely 5/17/2022 8:14:58 PM

"This set 2 is the sleeper of their career. For the life of me I can’t believe this amazing sickening avid community hasn’t given more accolades for this set 2. Start to stop. A must hear for anyone. Making like wine this show needs to age and then when folks happen on this second set, they’ll realize. Love this band so much. "

Vox FX Issues 4/6/2022 9:31:18 AM

"This show is fantastic, with great playing and strong jams in both sets. Def something up with Rich’s vox fx device. Sounds abnormally choppy and gurgly as evidenced in Creatures and Pumped Up Kicks in particular. Still a killer show."

Bliss 3/29/2022 7:17:54 AM

"If you don’t like the Creatures, you don’t get this band. "

Stevie 3/26/2022 10:27:16 AM

"What a great show to be at!"

Creatures:/ 3/21/2022 6:20:54 AM

"Why Rick's voice modulator was so shitty during Creatures, always cracking and make him sing really bad.. not the best creatures "

B4NJ?? 3/10/2022 5:38:20 PM

"First Goose show. Listened to many but even the best streams/recordings fall short of capturing the force of nature emanating from the stage. Such an adventure of tension and release. Time passed differently this night."

Doctor Chundo 3/10/2022 3:43:03 PM

"This whole show is bye byes"

kelwing 3/8/2022 1:44:10 PM

"hot tea is out of this world. love how they used the slow ready synth in this version! "

Hippie Stevie 3/8/2022 5:25:44 AM

"White Lights? More like red and blue lights. Somebody call 9-1-1, I’d like to report a murder"

Slate Trav 3/5/2022 7:54:10 PM

" Slow > Tea was amazing! Even with the gabled sounding audio… my fav Hot Tea to date!"

Jhizzy 3/5/2022 7:41:16 PM

"My 4th time playing Tumble! My God what a creation! Keep shining!"

Luke 3/5/2022 7:06:03 PM

"Maybe best Goose show ever…?!?… top notch!"

Kyle 3/5/2022 3:31:20 AM

"That Hot’n’Ready is what it’s all about. Fantastic show!"

Tumbler 3/4/2022 2:56:59 PM

"Hope everyone heeded Pete's heat warning because that Tumble only made it hotter in there!"

Guy Fiery 3/4/2022 2:20:05 PM

"That Little Caesar’s Hot n’ Ready hit pretttttyyyyy damn nice. Jealous of everyone there, Ya lucky sacks…."

Bobby Weir 3/4/2022 1:30:52 PM

"Noodly, fast, borderline erotic. "

Scotty 3/4/2022 11:31:05 AM

"I wasn't at this show, but I just listened to the whole soundboard. Tumble kicks absolute ass."

Mon Goose 3/4/2022 9:54:24 AM

"Slow Ready Tea was and still is smokin"

Evan 3/4/2022 8:02:14 AM

"First show. Had a great time. Thanks Goose !!"

GreyGewse 3/4/2022 3:36:11 AM

"Tumble will me my wedding song"

ant 3/3/2022 11:26:03 PM

"Dancin in the moonlight ????"

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