Setlist at Caesars Tahoe Tahoe, CA on Jul 19, 2004
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Caesars Tahoe Tahoe, CA on Jul 19, 2004
Set One
Set Two
This Show Is Also Part Of
Mike H — 12/23/2004 6:41:00 PM
"Great show! Went with a group of friends and relatives. A wonderful time was has by all! We were ecstatic to find out that you were playing locally for the first time in a number of years. Please come back to the Reno/Tahoe REAL SOON!!!! "
Frank Seanez — 8/31/2004 1:26:05 PM
"Set One Jellyfish - Twisted blues/rap. Proto Cheese. Seldom an opener. Tremendous fatback bass. Lyrical malfunctions lead to unexpected bits of improvisation. Dudley’s Kitchen - Sinewy bluegrass instrumental. Proto Cheese. Billy Nershi rules. Kang electric mando break is exceptional. Miss Brown’s Teahouse - R&B. Post Negril Cheese. Minor lyrical malfunction. Good mando and B-3 driven jam. 45th of November - Ballad. New Cheese, no studio release. Stately and introspective. Interesting through-the-looking-glass lyrics. Coauthored by Kyle and Robert Hunter. Unbroken chain-like jam. 100 Year Flood - Ballad. Old school Cheese. One of Billy’s best. Excellent extended intro. Keith rocksteady vocals. Kang fiddle, Billy guitar, Kyle organ break, Kang mando break round. Segue into Tinder Box is interesting and smooth. Tinder Box - Rock. New Cheese. Dark and driven. Most developed and jammy version which I’ve heard, so far. Exceptional Kang mando and percussion. Possible “Best” version. Got What He Wanted - R&B. Old school Cheese, first done by Kyle with Durt. Unusual piano intro. Billy acoustic, Kang mando, Keith bass, Kyle synth/B-3 break. Bits of Sanford & Son. It’s a Payne! Set Two Bam! - Jazz instrumental. Wacky psychodelic intro. Kyle Hollingsworth and his String Cheese Incident. More bits of Redd. Round the Wheel - Worldbeat. Title cut, studio release. One of Billy’s best. Billy’s clean acoustic break, set off by Kyle’s piano, is always a treat. The jump up chorus jam is one of the most danceable Incident segments. Some of Keith’s best bass lines. Indian Creek - Western style bluegrass fiddle tune. Superb. Billy Nershi rules. Kang burns on mando and fiddle. Kyle piano break followed by counterpoint Kang fiddle break should bring tears of joy to your eyes. These Waves - Worldbeat. Post Akumal Cheese. Kangsung. Bright and sprightly. MLT - Latin instrumental. Nice introspective piano prelude to statement of main theme. Strong statement of theme and jam, followed by excellent variant piano solo, jam and restatement of theme. Outside Inside - Rock. Title cut, studio release. One of Billy’s best. Billysung. Kyle B-3, Kang mando tubescreamer break is always an Incidental high point, dropping off precipitously to verse. Coiling jam to rave up and into Rollover. Rollover - Worldbeat. Kangsung. Gaia suicide and rebirth lyrical theme. Billy Nershi rules on initial acoustic guitar break. Internally generated Gaia beams bracket fine dolphining Kang mando break. A bona fide musical and philosophical Odyssey, as well as a stunning closer! Encore Elvis’ Wild Ride - Old Timey Bluesgrass. Proto Cheese. One of the earliest String Cheese numbers done the old-fashioned whey, with Billy and Travis on Billy’s guitar. They do a fine job of it! Sittin’ On Top of the World - Bluegrass. Proto Cheese. How do these boys have that much energy at the end of a long night? Just plain an ass-kicking version."
Adam Curtis — 7/23/2004 8:11:28 PM
"The boys once again didn`t let me down. Thanks CHEESE!"
Hawk — 7/22/2004 10:27:32 PM
"Wow! What a venue to see the cheese. Absolutely gorgeous! This tour has been all about seeing signs and tonight was no exception. When we first arrived into the hotel we saw a beautiful piece of hand blown glass artwork that had a jellyfish stuck inside. I was so amazed to see that it did not dawn on me that was the sign at the time. Away I think you get the idea. From jellyfish glass to street signs “Howard” in S.F. the Cheese was on fire like I have not heard them in a long time. A very high-energy show that comes through the music loud and clear i.e. jellyfish>Dudley’s kitchen. This show may not be the ideal setlist but the performance far makes up for this. Easily one of the top 3 cheese shows I have seen. Well I guess you will have to hear it to believe it. "
jjp — 7/22/2004 8:08:12 PM
"My first show in 2years, wow I really enjoyed the show. What was I waiting for. These guys have The sound. jjp"