Setlist at Langerado Music Festival Sunrise, FL on Mar 12, 2005
Set One
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Setlist at Langerado Music Festival Sunrise, FL on Mar 12, 2005
Set One
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Intrepid Indiana Traveler — 3/28/2005 4:39:15 PM
"Cheese As Always was tearing it up! Such an Intense First Night for this wonderful festival in Sunny Sunrise. We couldn`t have had better weather than in south Florida this weekend. Outside Inside had a few soundboard adjustments but it was done well. Valley of the Jig Was amazing as Usual!! Slight F-up in Miss Brown`s Teahouse but it was all good(good version still) I`m diggin Jason Hann He Just adds one more dimension to what we Know as The String Cheese Incident!!"
bmw092972 — 3/26/2005 2:45:27 PM
"I have gotten into Cheese about 2 or so years ago. I have been hooked ever since my first show. Everytime they get better and better. I am blown away each and every time. I live in South Florida so Cheese has not been known to bless us here to often. To have them in my own backyard for 2 Nights, how AWESOME!!! I hope this is a sign for more Cheese sightings in South Florida. The shows blew me away."
AEB — 3/19/2005 2:05:06 PM
"The most amazing life changing two shows ever!! Absolutely positively download both - you will be very happy you did!!!"
natureboy — 3/18/2005 1:13:22 PM
"I`ve only seen cheese a few times before this weekend, but this show was INCREDIBLE. I spent all last fall on the last leg of phish`s tour. I haven`t seen these guys play since Nov.`04. And I don`t know if they have really been practicing hard or what, but this band sounds better than the last time I saw them. and from the preformance they put on this weekend, this band is just going to keep getting better and better. If you listen to this night, all I have to say is there was a "Sanford and Son Theme" Tease at somepoint during the show. SANFORD AND SON ROCKED!!! phish phan converted "
e-roc — 3/18/2005 10:39:55 AM
"What a night! What a weekend! I`ve seen/heard my fair share of cheese shows but these were amazing. The jams totally blew me away. Can;t decide which night I like better, I mean `don`t stop til you get enough` sent everyone into the air. Every show I saw this weekend was great, if anyone has shows from any of the other artists and wants to share/trade the goods, hit me up, PEACE "
Sam Hancock — 3/17/2005 7:32:11 PM
"I have heard a total of about 50 Cheese shows and this is definetly one of the best. All the jams were tight and long; very phychedelic show, and I was on some hard-core L. throughout the show. If you`re only getting one night of Langerado, this is the one. This night represents what The String Cheese Incident is all about!"
Gene A. — 3/17/2005 7:20:28 PM
"Great shows, Great weekend, great vibe. Langerado was a good time had by all. Police presence was just right, the beer was cold, the girls were tan. And my bowl of popcorn was full all weekend long. Plus i got to meet Keith on Sunday to end the weekend right whoot! I had great speeds downloading these shows thumbs up to live cheese! Outside Inside opener was nice but had a few drops and adjustments going on. Also Billy the kid flubbed a line or two. haha Miss Browns, Remington, and Shine all rocked out, Miss Browns was espeically sweet for me being one of the tunes i was "hadda" hear this weekend. Restless Wind closer was really good with the boys (answering?) the call of particle earlier in the day with an electronic meltdown smack in the middle. Surely one of the strangest R.winds ive heard. The nite was stolen by Kang and his cover of M.Jackson`s "Dont Stop" for the encore. I remember a nice disco beat kicking up and everyone doing the Travolta dance,, and thinking gee i know this song ... then when we ever go out in the lot and someone said it was M.Jackson we almost died laughing. Pun intended (?) Great Show ! "