Setlist at The Backyard Austin, TX on Oct 15, 2004
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at The Backyard Austin, TX on Oct 15, 2004
Set One
Set Two
This Show Is Also Part Of
Bill Russell — 6/6/2005 5:46:53 AM
"This is my favorite of the three Backyard shows (even though it was the only one I was unable to attend). The band seemed rested and ready to play, igniting the crowd from the opening strains of Shine and sustaining energy throughout the entire first set. The second set is my personal favorite, especially One Step Closer. What other band can pull off a song that opens with strong bluegrass influences, segues to spacy ethereal themes in the middle, and ends with soaring, driving rock? The show really highlights the band`s versatility -- they seem able to play pretty much any kind of music and make it enjoyable. I have dozens of OTR CD`s, and, to my ears, this is one of their very best. "
Mary B — 11/25/2004 12:36:23 PM
"Cheese at the Backyard was very sprit lifting for me considering I am from Texas and it was my first time to Cheese in Texas. The boys through it down on Sunday. Jason Hand adds alot to SCI."
dunnaroo — 10/28/2004 12:07:26 PM
"howdy howdy, welcome to our planet you fine arsed musicannabalisticos... how can galactic continue to get...wel.... galactic! wish you well on the journey, and look forward to the international incident of whenever. "
Jabster — 10/21/2004 9:33:07 PM
"Welp, this was my first Cheese concert and I have to say this shit was tight. They jammed the hell out of Close Your Eyes and Joyful Sound. Kang and the gang really know how to jam and they did it like no one else! This concert is worth the download!"
gman from cali — 10/21/2004 7:15:00 PM
"yea well i cant really say much, seein as how i did not attend the show myself, but i have listended to it. I think its safe to say that the cheese just keep getting better and better. An awesome show, mucho grande energy.. sound is spectacular and the setlist mindblowing. enjoy a great incident!"
Toddycheesester — 10/21/2004 3:09:57 PM
"Great venue-Great atmosphere-well worth traveling for. The music was sweet from the start but really kicked in around Joyful sound followed by the Grazin in the grass melody (very cool) I like Michaels Guitar work along with Kyles keyboard on that one. The rest of the show set the stage for a big SATURDAY NIGHT (Nurshi on the tom waits cover sounded great) Let`s add that to the regular Line up. It was also a very good time when they played good hearted woman. (being in Texas made that one extra special)"
mattiect — 10/18/2004 6:26:29 PM
"What a show to kick off the tour with! Four words: Rhythm of the Road. The synthesis of science and magic! An absolute must have. Thanks, Cheese!"
— 10/18/2004 3:44:48 PM
"They are so sick"