Setlist at The Fillmore Auditorium Denver, CO on Mar 22, 2007
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at The Fillmore Auditorium Denver, CO on Mar 22, 2007
Set One
Set Two
This Show Is Also Part Of
Show Notes
Ride Captain Ride with The Polyphonic Spree.
First Time Played: Ride Captain Ride - (Blues Image)
Work em over — 4/19/2007 12:17:59 AM
"I Am sayin this Black and WHite IS some FUnky Shit!!!! I just want to Take some girls and work em all over to this Funky Ass Beat "
ivibes — 4/8/2007 12:39:31 AM
"Worst CD cover in a long time. Silly railriders."
daev — 4/3/2007 3:17:05 PM
"Great, solid opener all around, although the energy level wasn`t nearly as high as the next few nights."
Ryan n Amey Snow — 3/31/2007 12:59:45 AM
"Great opener, man I`m gonna miss this. Billy please consider staying! Even just a few events a year, that`s all we ask... Vegoose, Winter Carnival, Red Rocks, and maybe just a couple more???"
Drew — 3/26/2007 6:47:52 AM
"This was a floaty..jazzy show..(what we used to find during the Dead`s "Eyes")any questions or concerns about how SCI would play were over soon..the energy of the Band and the audience made this an unusually strong opening night...and the Jessica close..well... hear for yourself.. "you`ll be amazed the friends you`ll find are on this trip" (Ride Captain Ride..Blues Image cover")"
Dylan M. — 3/25/2007 8:14:09 AM
"My forth cheese show and best (musically yet). Highlights involve the explosive opener Johnny Cash> `Round the Wheel (and a tease of Pirates). The energy seemed to be there for most of the show (slightly dwindeling right before the encore) and all the boys seemed to get there songs in. Interesting mystery ship with guests Polyphonic Spree"
Mike roesler — 3/24/2007 12:21:00 PM
"What a great sounding show by the cheese. Th flow of this show was great and they jammed incredibly well! I though this show was a lot better than night 2. Cant wait for more. download this show. The Climb jam in the middle of RTW was excellent."
Cheese, yes! — 3/24/2007 10:19:10 AM
"it was so good. when the boys came out the place exploded and johnny cash was the shiz"