Setlist at Congress Theater Chicago, IL on Mar 13, 2009
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Congress Theater Chicago, IL on Mar 13, 2009
Set One
Set Two
me0w — 4/9/2009 9:20:55 AM
"I agree with yayhihg, they did mess around with their laptops A LOT...... more than usual as far as the sound tribe shows i've seen. Still a bomb ass show either way. The energry during Heavy was through the roof that was prob my favorite part of the show."
Jonny B — 4/9/2009 1:07:56 AM
"I was front row center for this show and it was amazing. I was rippin' and grovin to the jams the whole concert, and sts9 was top notch this night. They came out and straight lifted the place up with energy when they opened with T.U.S.O.N. Their new spring winter/spring jams are really sick especially arp into atlas, and I think there heading in a cool new direction. I can't wait till they come to chicago or any where relatively close. It would be sick if they layed down at set at summer camp this year but I highly doubt it would happen since its a month away and 50 bands are already announced. STS9 FOREVER!!!"
Joe — 4/8/2009 4:44:02 PM
"This show was so sick. My mind was melted from start to end"
yayhigh — 4/8/2009 11:09:21 AM
"murph and the guitarist fiddled on their laptops the whole show. They didn't even touch their instruments. This band is nothing anymore."