Setlist at Eureka Theater Eureka, CA on Oct 25, 2009
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Eureka Theater Eureka, CA on Oct 25, 2009
Set One
Set Two
This Show Is Also Part Of
spinephixer — 10/28/2009 10:15:02 AM
"solid show. really nice bridgeless and jajunk sandwiches in the first and second sets respectively and the roulette>parin>roulette sandwich is also pretty sweet. first jam in fir is basically springsteen's "i'm on fire" - pretty cool. this is a nice showcase of UM tapping into so many different genres and styles showcasing just how diverse they are. worth the $10 definitely. in fact i really liked the whole PNW run (plus this show) in total...they seem like they're picking up steam for Halloween and the end of the year. for me, they're the fucking greatest band on earth...hands down."
John — 10/27/2009 12:38:30 PM
"That day was My friend Steve's Birthday he turned 21. Mine is actually today and I turned 21. Even though i wasn't there it will surley be a good show. cause the opened with Bridgeless on there first set and closed with it which is the best way to here bridgeless. So I can't wait to see what the play tonight. Please make it badass umphrey's cause i can't make it and today is my 21st bitrhday!!!!!!!!!!!!"