Setlist at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium San Francisco, CA on Feb 12, 2005
Set One
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Setlist at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium San Francisco, CA on Feb 12, 2005
Set One
Show Notes
gratefulumphrey420 — 1/20/2008 12:51:41 AM
"yes, I want more umphrey to cover the dead."
GratefulUmphrey420 — 1/19/2008 8:54:23 PM
"Umphrey Covering the dead everything I wished for. No better song to do than franklins tower, wish UM would cover the dead at every concert i go to. Help on the way into slipknot than franklins tower that would be to die for. Please read than do umphrey."
Q — 1/22/2007 10:32:53 PM
""Umphrey`s Mcgee like yeeaah!" says Phil Lesh after an incredible Franklin`s Tower. Definately worth the 0.99 cents people. Thank you Umphrey`s and hope ur playin 2 sets when u guys rock the main stage this year at 10,000 Lakes Fest."