Setlist at La Zona Rosa Austin, TX on Sep 11, 2008
Set One
Set Two
Stream this show and the entire Umphrey's McGee catalog
Setlist at La Zona Rosa Austin, TX on Sep 11, 2008
Set One
Set Two
Alyn — 1/8/2012 10:27:03 AM
"It's much easier to undetsrnad when you put it that way!"
pherzog — 10/16/2008 8:18:32 PM
"First set was a freakin masterpiece of metal. On paper, it is impossible to explain how each song came with so much authority. Crooked 1 was amazing. Milk and Fuzz were simply a trip to another dimension. They hooked me in. Great close with 2nd Self. The 2nd set was so different. A haunting Bath was the more unique takes I've heard on that song. Mulch was an all out blister. I Ran was so much fun with the whole Austin crowd doing the pogo. TX loves this band and please come back soon!!!!!!!!"
texas t — 9/21/2008 6:15:57 PM
"ridiculous show! the jams during The Fuzz and Hurt Bird Bath are unreal..."
avivooo — 9/20/2008 6:48:09 PM