Setlist at Summer Camp Chillicothe, IL on May 26, 2007

Set One
Black Sabbath 213
All In Time 1095
Great American 511
Ringo 295
Great American 99
2x2 744
Bridgeless 483
Much Obliged 262
Ringo 419
Nemo 310
Summer Camp
Chillicothe, IL
May 26, 2007

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Setlist at Summer Camp Chillicothe, IL on May 26, 2007

Set One
Black Sabbath 213
All In Time 1095
Great American 511
Ringo 295
Great American 99
2x2 744
Bridgeless 483
Much Obliged 262
Ringo 419
Nemo 310


jake 5/29/2007 5:01:05 PM

"yeah that was badass how the sun came out when they came out, this show was awesome and i stayed sober for this one so i can remember it, unlike the night before. really cool how they finished bridgeless from the late night show, which kicked fuckin major ass"

johnwalrusbeatle 5/29/2007 3:19:05 PM

"Amazing show, you have convinced me that you are truely gods. After Les Claypool got off the stage it was dark and rainy but once you started up the sun came out. YOU MADE THE FUCK*NG SUN COME OUT!!!! P.S. why was everyone ending early at summercamp?"

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